Our Approach to Same-Day Crowns

Utilizing state-of-the-art CEREC technology, we can design, create, and place custom crowns in a single visit. This process not only saves you time but also spares you the discomfort of traditional impressions and temporary crowns.

Our practice is dedicated to providing solutions that fit seamlessly into your life and schedule, ensuring that you leave our office with a fully restored, beautiful smile in just one day.

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The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns


Time-Saving Convenience

With same-day crowns, there's no need for multiple dental visits. Your crown is made and placed in one appointment, getting you back to your life with minimal disruption.

Customized Precision

Our CEREC technology crafts your same-day crown with pinpoint accuracy for a fit tailored to your unique smile. This means a comfortable bite and a natural look that blends with your teeth.

Durable and Conservative

Same-day crowns are made from high-quality ceramic that's as strong as it is aesthetically pleasing. They're built to last, giving you peace of mind with every smile.


The Same-Day Crowns Process

1. Digital Impressions

2. Crown Design

3. Onsite Milling and Placement


Digital Impressions

The process begins with digital impressions, which are more comfortable than traditional methods. No goop necessary! These impressions are used to create a 3D model of your tooth.


Crown Design

Using the CEREC system, we design your crown to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth, ensuring it fits perfectly into your bite.


Onsite Milling and Placement

Your crown is milled right in our office while you wait. Once ready, it’s permanently bonded to your tooth, and you leave with a complete, rejuvenated smile.